The appearance settings for every data visualization component that adjust the "look".
Not the configuration settings to make a data visualization component.
What's the appearance setting looks like?
All the settings were organized in a single tree structure.
There is no priority behind all these settings.
There is no importance level behind all these settings.
The sub-level settings are in a modal window which disabled the main menu.
Who's the user?
Data Analyst/Scientist
Why they use Web Report?
They need/have to make the data visualization report
For what purpose?
To present their data findings & insights for their data mining work
To help viewer make business decisions
Why they need use these settings?
The default appearance cannot satisfy their needs
To customize the visualization component for their stories
What they want?
Create a beautiful report easily and quickly
Spend most of the time working on data accuracy and meaningful story
What they don't?
Don't have a good sense of aesthetic
Don't want to waste too much time on making report
Don't want to change every single thing only if they have to
Set Design Goal
Overall Product
User could easily and quickly make a beautiful & meaningful data visualization report.
For Settings Menu
User couldeasily and quickly find/use the appearance settings that they need.
There are too many, what should I start with?
Every chart/visualization might have some unique settings. Due to the complexity of the system and short amount of time that I have, I have to set up a universal rule to satisfy most of the cases. So I should start with the most frequently used visualization components.
To get a fully understanding of the structure and find out the pattern, I list the structure of all the visualization components that frequently used. This image below is an example of "Trend Graph":